ARMBRUST - Itzehoe

  • Peter ARMBRUST - b. about 1765 Gluckstadt, S-H - d.1810 Gluckstadt, S-H

    Anna Maria Margarethe WENDEL - b. 11 Sep 1763 Itzehoe - d. ?

    Illegitimate son:

    Johann Matthias Anton ARMBRUST - b. 17 Jun 1789 Itzehoe, S-H - d. 5 Oct 1848 Itzehoe, S-H

    Katharina WITTMAACK - b. 27 Dec 1786 Heilgenstedden, S-H - d. 18 Jun 1844 Itzehoe, S-H


    Ferdinand Jurgen Friedrich ARMBRUST - b. 21 Feb 1815 Itzehoe, S-H - d. 4 Dec 1863 (at sea) Blankenese, S-H

    Any information on this family will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

  • Welcome Norton67. Und Danke für Deine Anfrage. Ich habe den Scan zunächst mal meiner Community vorgelegt, die unsagbar schnell und fleißig zur Seite stand, toll ist das.

    Ich fasse für mich einmal die Ergebnisse zusammen:

    • Am 21. Juli des Jahres ??: Der hiesige Weißbäcker Johann Matthias Anthon Armbrust, des evangl. Strumpfhändlers in Glückstadt Peter Armbrust und Anna Maria Wentzeln unehelicher Sohn, mit Jungfer Catharina Wittmacken, des ehemaligen Gastwirths zur Lukasbrücke bei Crummendieck [Krummendiek] Hinrich Wittmack und Anna geborene Lahann eheleibliche Tochter von Herrn Pastor Vietheer im Hause.

  • 1811

    Thank you Daniel for your work, I appreciate that very much. When I saw your reply yesterday I did not have time to fully translate. I thought you wanted to know the year, hence my 1811 reply.

    I wonder if anyone has more information on Peter and Anna Maria, Matthias' father & mother. I'm at a dead end with both and may have to go back to the parish. They said earlier it would be needle / haystack work finding more in their records.

    Also I'm looking for information on Heinrich Wilhelm Karl ARMBRUST, a notable German painter / artist. Born Itzehoe 2 Oct 1867 - Died Kassel, Hesse 27 Jul 1928. All I can find for Karl A. is his death certificate. Karl spent some time in the Netherlands painting too. I would like to know who his father & mother were because my Armbrust line is from Gluckstadt / Itzehoe. I think (hope) Karl may be related. Any information will be appreciated.

    Thank you for your help.

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